Saturday, November 30, 2013

How does beach litter affect households in the area, businesses, the government, and the rest of the world?


Workers at beach businesses rely on their income from high tourism times of the year. If tourism drops because the beach litter has gotten so bad, then businesses lose money and need to lay off workers. Their income is cut off and this could lead to not being able to pay for their house. This could highly affect their lives as well as the towns income because they are no longer paying property taxes.

When there is litter on the beach, it attracts less tourists. When there are less tourists in the coastal towns, businesses get less customers. With less customers, they do not make as much money and may be forced to lay off employees, or worse, shut down their company.

The Government:
With less customers, beachfront businesses have to let off workers meaning less income taxes going to the national government. The need for manpower to clean the beach causes the state government to pay for it. The local government could be affected if people living on the shore decide they don't want to live on a dirty beach and move. The local government would then not be collecting their taxes and would not be able to give as much money to schools.

The World:
Litter on beaches can affect both the land and the sea. If litter gets into the ocean, it can travel all over the world causing the under water environment to suffer and become polluted. Animals and habitats get sick and ruined by litter and pollution. Litter on land can have a similar affect as in the water. The trash can get into many animals' habitats and sicken the animals. It can also ruin the ground by polluting all over the world.

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