Friday, November 29, 2013

What are the necessary conditions for any possible solution to work?
For any possible solution to eliminate beach litter to work, the state government must get involved by either hiring laborers or increasing littering fines.

Are there budget or labor concerns?
The solution that involves hiring people to clean up the beach litter both labor and budget intensive, but to increase fines on littering, nothing but support is needed.

Does the public need to be aware of and support the solution?
The public will need to be aware of both solutions because if the solution to hire workers to clean up the beach is chosen, then the community would have to pay more in taxes. They would not necessarily need to be in support of the increase of beach litter fines.

What challenges are there to implementing each solution?
To implement the hiring or beach cleaners, the local and state government will need to work together to get the funds to pay workers so this could be a challenge alongside getting the approval of townspeople to pay more in taxes for this cleanup. A challenge that may be faced to implement the increase of fines would be getting police officers to really start enforcing the law.

How else might you judge possible solutions against each other?
You could weigh the two solutions based on easiness versus effectiveness. The solution of hiring workers to clean up the beach would be harder but all together more effective because there would be no doubt that the beach would be cleaned. On the other side, increasing littering fines at the beach would be easier considering it takes little to no money or support from the community, but there could still be people who litter on the beach.

How do your parents feel about the issue? Should externalities be taken into account?
My parents believe that beach litter is unnecessary and the product of lazy beach goers. They wish that people would realize the effects of the litter on the environment and take the few extra steps to the trashcan to throw away the trash.

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